Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Maybe im dramatizing a bit too much actually. My striking migranes....sore throats....lack of appetites, lazyness, tiredness.....nah can't be. Im just over reacting!!

I left on the 9th of Oct to Queensland for a break. Only 6 days actually, but it's better than nothing. Im not exactly relaxing...but it's ok. Done some shopping, my sisters are here though. They're studying...busy busy!. So Im just lazying around as usuall! But my main brainteaser has come.....should i pursue my studies further or not. MBA?? Seems too high for me. I always visualised that MBA would be for the rich and snobs! I cant imagine doing it.

Dont know what to do, will have to move back to QLD and start again. I guess it's better. Im not enjoying my work, tension with my parents, disliking my staff.....i think i have all the qualifications to leave and start something new....... hmmmm. Still need more thoughts on this. Need to think it through. Maybe this degree can give me another dimension to where i want to be.....or WHAT i want to be.?? Dont know.

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