Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not knowing what to do?

Have you ever felt like..not knowing what to do. Which decision to make and when you should! Well i'm now totally confused and blurring, not just my brain but my eye as well. Striking headaches and anger outbursts - not being able to express my self properly.

I went to see the doctors today, explain what i was going through - no one understanding me, people undermining me, making use of me, not following my instructions, expecting too much of me, accusing me of not doing anywork, accusing me of being lazy when in fact i do almost 7 days a week.....blah blah blah. Just didnt know who to talk heart is beating so fast...that it makes me nervous when thinking about it. i feel like i may be having some sort of PANIC attack...but restrained my self to such over dramatism!

So now i have to talk to a councillor and start approaching in a different way. Tommrow is Diwali....have to start a new resolution. Lets see what's in store for me!

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